jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

6 new articles


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"Search Engine Journal" - 3 new articles

  1. Algorithms: The Cure for Copywriter's Block
  2. How to Re-Purpose Your Content to Optimize it for Traveling Season
  3. 5 Things You Need to Know to Succeed With Bing
  4. More Recent Articles
  5. Search Search Engine Journal

Algorithms: The Cure for Copywriter's Block

Writer's block, or perhaps more accurate these days, blogger's block, is a common occurrence. Great bloggers try to pump out insightful and engaging content daily, but eventually the question becomes, what more can you write about? It's at times like these when I suggest you delve into a little keyword research.

Rather than struggle internally to find topics for your next blog or article, let data drive your reporting or writing. Tools like Google's Adwords KeyWord Tool, BlogPulse and Wordtracker are good for discovering what topics are trending for Copywriting inspiration.

Content Farms vs. Attention Mines

Newspapers and journalists have bemoaned the growing industry of "Content Farms" in recent years. As sites like Examiner.com and Demand Media grow in prominence, traditional publications are losing web traffic and thus, advertising opportunities. But how are Content Farms getting so many readers? Shouldn't the journalistic reputation of major newspapers and magazines be enough to attract readers? Not anymore, thanks to search algorithms.

Algorithm as Editor

As online journalist Jason Fry (@JasonCFry) explains in a recent post, Content Farm sites use of algorithms to create story ideas in an "algorithm-as-editor" model. This flies in the face of the traditional writing style in which editors or bloggers assemble story ideas through a keen journalistic, yet un-digitized public awareness or crowdsourcing. Now, writers are guided by search engine queries, a model you can use when attempting to ward off copywriter's block.

Attention Mines

Noted journalism entrepreneur Michael Tippet (@MTippet) reengineers the somewhat spammy reputation Content Farms have evoked by calling the collection of sites Attention Mines. In this sense, writer's still hold the key to the car, so to speak. Writers, bloggers and professional journalists can all use algorithms in developing story ideas, but don't let search queries alone guide your pen. Keyword research is only one component to identifying what readers want and what they need. If we let search engines write the stories, we'd read nothing but Justin Beiber and Twilight features.

Make Headlines, Don't Write Them

There's a big difference between merely commenting on search queries and using them to write good copy. If you're posting a blog or article, strive to create a headline and add to the conversation, rather than merely rehashing the keywords you saw in your keyword research.

Algorithms can tell you what readers want, but more importantly, they help you understand why. In your keyword research, you'll come across story ideas that make sense, but a few that are out of the blue as well. A great article can come from those outliers. Keyword research can help you find what an audience wants to read, but as a writer, you must give them what they need..

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Algorithms: The Cure for Copywriter's Block

How to Re-Purpose Your Content to Optimize it for Traveling Season

I feel lucky enough to work from home for about 3 years now and to be able to travel wherever I want with my family. This is what I have actually been doing for the past month – traveling (and struggling with somewhat screwed schedule). However another side of this story is that being an Internet marketer who works from home, I am never free. I work while traveling and try to make each of my vacation minute "useful" for my work and business.

This has inspired me to share some ways that would help those hard-working travelers like me and let them use your content while on the go.

1. Offer Various Ways to Download Your Content

I have mentioned this tip in one of my previous posts on adding "Save as PDF" button to your (most useful) posts:

  • This makes it easy (as well as actually encourages users) to save your content locally for further reference (Then in case they have no Internet connection but want to kill an idle hour reading something useful, your article will get the second chance to get noticed);
  • It makes your content print-friendly (which is essential for those who prefer to read "normal" books while traveling);
  • This makes it easy to save an access from popular devices like iPad (which has plenty of widely used applications for reading .pdf files):

iPad pdf reader

Besides simply offering your readers an alternative format enabling them to download and access your content, a pdf file could also increase your reach. For example, Scribd, a popular document sharing site may generate some decent traffic to your blog.

2. Create Quick Outlines of Your Monthly Editorial

Imagine how many people are now coming back home from holidays: you may help them a great deal by offering a quick but useful recaps of your previous posts (for the past month, week, etc). These overviews won't probably generate many Tweets or comments but they will engage users in another way: they will encourage them to go through the content they may have missed.

An alternative way to represent the information you have previously blogged about would also be nice. For example, a well-branded PowerPoint file representing your previous posts will be much appreciated. Besides, this way you can re-use your content by publishing it to SlideShare (which, in turn will be shared in your LinkedIn network if you use SlideShare official LinkedIn application):

Linkedin Slideshare extension

You can also create a downloadable copy of your recap (in an eBook format) to allow various ways to access and go through your outline on- as well as offline.

3. Create an Audio Version of Your Content

An audio post comes incredibly handy (and appreciated) while you are on the go. While PDF version of your content makes it more "offline-friendly" as well as easier to use on iPad, the audio version makes it possible for your readers to listen to your articles on their iPod while on the plane or even on the beach.

I have reviewed one plugin that "adds voice to your posts"Odiogo automates the process of turning each of your blog posts in a podcast (as well as adds the option to download your content to your blog feed):

odiogo: RSS feed

If you want to make the process more selective and the voice less "machine-like", there are other applications like Audacity which is free recording software.

Creating an audio version of your blog posts will also increase your exposure as you can submit your content to heavily-used podcast directories like iTunes (To submit to iTunes, go to the iTunes Store, navigate to the Podcasts directory, and click on the Submit a Podcast link.)

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

How to Re-Purpose Your Content to Optimize it for Traveling Season

5 Things You Need to Know to Succeed With Bing

With the impending implosion of Yahoo's disappointing Panama project and seeming overnight surrender of search to the big boys of Google and Microsoft it's time we all started paying a little more attention to Bing and particularly Microsoft adCenter.

Just the other day I was talking with some bright minds in the search space and when we got to the topic of Bing the lights were on but no one was home. Which got me think about how since its launch most of us have largely ignored the MSN/Bing advertising platform, as illustrated by the small number of advertisers on Bing compared against Google's estimated 1.5 million advertisers, due in large part to the limited consumer reach and previously very poor functionality. And while it's still a few months away I think it is high time we start thinking about how we manage search in Bing and want to share with you 5 things you'll need to know to find success with Bing.

  • Dynamic Text Insertion: Most advertisers are familiar with Google's dynamic keyword insertion function that allows an advertiser to take the search query and dynamically insert it into ad text. Bing takes this feature to a whole new level. Not only can you dynamically insert the search query into the ad but you can also conditionally insert other pieces of text into the ad or display url. For example, if the search query is red roses you could insert the word red rose into the ad text but could also make a condition that shows a price of $24.99 when the search query is red roses but $19.99 if the search query is yellow roses. Proper use of this should improve relevance which will help improve CTR and/or conversion rates.
  • Scheduled Bid Adjustments: On both a campaign and ad group level advertisers can both increase or decrease their bid levels based on geography (by city, metro,. state/province, country/region), demographics (age and gender), day of week, user device (mobile or desktop/laptop) and time of day. This requires marketers to really understand their underlying core business metrics but the marketers that know their metrics and understand these features can heavily skew the Bing search landscape in their favor.
  • Bing Uses Quality Score Metric: While this doesn't come as a surprise to many it is important to note that Bing also uses a similar metric to Google's Quality Score and Yahoo's Quality Index (they call their metric Quality Score Unfortunately this is one area that is pretty crappy in Bing. At this stage Bing doesn't display quality score that ties to a keyword, ad, or account. However, there have been some instances we've heard of that in order to establish high quality scores bids have been increased by 2x which have driven bids down in the mid to long term. Note that everything we're hearing is that Bing is in alpha or beta of rolling out Quality Score for advertisers.
  • Search Management Tools: Microsoft's adCenter has a tool similar to Google's desktop tool (Adwords Editor) that resides on an advertiser's local machine. The name of the tool isn't the most original – Microsoft adCenter Desktop but  the tool has some great functionality
    • Extract keywords for your ad group based on a URL or MSN's keyword tools
    • Ad distribution (search vs. content) and geo-targeting and add ad group-level negative keywords
    • Similar functionality to the excel plug-in described below.

On top of their desktop application adCenter also offers an excel plug-in feature with features that provide deep keyword research insights. Learn more about Microsoft Advertising Intelligence.

Screenshot of Microsoft Advertising Intelligence

  • Dedicated Time and Resources: Once Bing is powering the organic and paid search results for Yahoo there reach will be extended and their resources will be more heavily focused on improving their advertising tools to allow them to increase monetization per query. The advertisers who will win in the land grab for search real estate are those who are willing to dedicate their time and resources to test and optimize Bing early and often.

It's going to be rocky at first and there are lots of things that adCenter needs to fix such as exposing their quality index, improving their reporting interface, and many more items but with nearly 30% market share (Yahoo+Bing combined) we can't afford to ignore Bing any longer. Check for more information about Bing in the upcoming weeks. I think you're going to love Bing!

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

5 Things You Need to Know to Succeed With Bing

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"Gizmos" - 3 new articles

  1. Apple actualiza su línea iMac
  2. Sharp lanza nuevos diccionarios electrónicos
  3. Toshiba muestra nuevas televisiones LCD 3D
  4. More Recent Articles
  5. Search Gizmos

Apple actualiza su línea iMac


Apple ha presentado nuevos iMacs, añadiendo procesadores más rápidos y tarjetas gráficas adicionales.

Ahora los iMacs tendrán los procesadores Intel más rápidos, el Core i3, el Core i5, y el Core i7. Según la compañía, estos procesadores ofrecerán hasta un incremento del 50% en potencia respecto a la pasada generación.

El iMac de 21.5 pulgadas tiene un procesador i3 a 3.06GHz y la tarjeta gráfica ATI Radeon HD 4670 con 266MB de memoria RAM GDDR3. El modelo de 27 pulgadas con resolución 2560 x 1440 píxeles ofrece procesador i5 quad-core a 2.8GHz, y una tarjeta gráfica ATI Radeon HD 5750 con 1GB de memoria RAM GDDR5. Apple también informa que el slot de tarjetas SD ahora soporta formato SDXC.

A esto hay que añadir opciones de personalización variadas para los ordenadores, como la selección entre distintos discos duros, hasta de 1TB de capacidad.

En Gizmos: Pronto podrás usar tu consola en la pantalla del iMac - Nuevos iMac con retroiluminación LED y opción de cuatro núcleos

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Sharp lanza nuevos diccionarios electrónicos


Pueden parecer una Blackberry, pero no lo son. En realidad, la foto de los dispositivos que acompañan ésta noticia son los nuevos diccionarios electrónicos presentados por Sharp en Japón.

La compañía acaba de mostrarlos y espera unas ventas elevadas, algo posible teniendo en cuenta que Japón en uno de los países con mayor demanda de éste tipo de productos (allí es muy común aprender idiomas en el tiempo libre).

Sorprende, no obstante, que estos nuevos diccionarios electrónicos tengan un aspecto tan parecido al de las Blackberry. Son el modelo PW-AC10 de Sharp, y se desmarcan de la mayoría de diccionarios electrónicos japoneses, que suelen tener un aspecto cercano al de micro-notebooks.

Sharp dice que éste nuevo producto es el diccionario más compacto del mundo con pantalla a color. Pesa 97 gramos y tiene unas medidas de 118.6 x 68.6 x 18.8 milímetros. Tiene una pantalla QVGA de 2.4 pulgadas (resolución de 320 x 240 píxeles), teclado QWERTY, y un total de 12 idiomas distintos, entre ellos inglés-japonés, francés-japonés, y alemán-japonés.

En Gizmos: Sharp RD-PM1: menudo desperdicio de diseño - Nurian Z1 diccionario electrónico

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Toshiba muestra nuevas televisiones LCD 3D


Toshiba Corporation ha mostrado en Japón una nueva serie de televisiones LCD Cell Regza con capacidad 3D, integrando el Cell Broadband Engine 1.

Los tres nuevos televisores LCD, Cell Regza 55X2, Cell Regza Slim 55XE2, y el 46E2, tienen capacidad 3D, incluyendo tecnología 3D Super Resolution que lleva el contenido en tres dimensiones a una alta definición de mayor calidad. También se incorpora sistema de conversión 2D-3D que permite a los usuarios disfrutar de contenido 2D con la calidad de las tres dimensiones.

La Cell Regza Slim 55XE2 y la 46XE2 estarán disponibles en Japón desde inicios de octubre, mientras que la 55X2 no llegará hasta el final de ese mismo mes.

En el caso de la Cell Regza 55X2, ofrece tasa de contraste dinámico de 9,000,000:1 e integra un panel Mega LCD diseñado especialmente para aprovechar la luminosidad LED de la televisión. Todos los modelos incorporan tecnología Block Noise Clear, un sistema HD que elimina el ruido para ofrecer una reproducción visual y sonora más clara.

Para finalizar, destacar que todas las televisiones Cell Regza de Toshiba cuentan con sistema de almacenamiento de alta capacidad.

En Gizmos: Toshiba devolverá el coste de sus Full HD Regza en Reino Unido - Toshiba presenta la televisión LCD HDTV E200

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