martes, 6 de julio de 2010

7 new articles


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"Search Engine Journal" - 3 new articles

  1. Where Is Your Link Army Hiding?
  2. 5 Dirty Words in Link Building
  3. How and Why to Create a "Save as PDF" Button for Your Best Content
  4. More Recent Articles
  5. Search Search Engine Journal

Where Is Your Link Army Hiding?

Link building armyIf "content is king", links are the king's supporting army, quietly helping the kingdom grow in power and authority. Unfortunately, as with a physical army, as most links get older they – or rather their influence – begins to deteriorate. Why won't a powerful link just stay a powerful link? Why can't you just build a huge amount of links once, and then never again? A few reasons:

  1. Search engines don't just want links; they want fresh, quality links. If a website was linked to in the past, it indicates that the site was considered an authority – once. However, if a website is continually being linked to, it not only builds past authority higher, but also indicates that the site is still considered an authority.
  2. Directory links gain more competition. You have competing websites for your keyword, right? Many of these competing businesses also know about link building. As time goes by, more links will end up on the directory page with yours; by the end of a year, you may have hundreds, or even thousands, of links with which your site now shares its "link juice". Therefore, the quality of the link deteriorates.
  3. Websites close. You have 1,000 sites linking to yours – at least, you did the last time you checked. However, the Internet fluxuates rapidly; sites rise and fall on a continual basis. How many of those 1,000 sites are still live? How many have closed down, effectively killing part of your link army?

Other possible reasons exist, but these are some of the most common. Once you know that links deteriorate, what do you do? Of course, the obvious answer is to go out and find more – but where are they hiding?

15 Ways to Find Your Link Army

When you begin building a linking campaign, you first want to decide what the purpose of the links will be. For example:

  • Keyword ranking
  • Higher PR
  • Higher traffic

If you're targeting all three purposes, you can find links based on each goal separately, or on all three at once. Finding links that meet all three goals is more time consuming and research intensive, but provides the most effective, high quality linking.

You're saying, "Yes, yes, high quality links, but let's get to the nitty gritty. Where do I find them?" Here are a few places, numbered but in no particular order:

  1. Sites linking to your competitors
  2. Sites relevant to your own, or to a specific page you have
  3. Relevant blogging sites
  4. Business directories: Note that this is "business" directories, not "site" directories. For example, young entrepreneurs may find a "young entrepreneurs" directory for B2B. Another example would be your local Merchant's Circle.
  5. Product review sites
  6. Any partners you may have
  7. Sites whose visitors might find your information useful
  8. Search for sites that linked to recently expired competitive/relevant domains.
  9. Sites with your chosen keyword in the URL – i.e.
  10. All about "keyword" sites
  11. Scan relevant sites for broken links.
  12. Make relevant, thoughtful comments on "do follow" sites.
  13. Relevant publication sites
  14. Create microsites dedicated to specific keywords.
  15. Create relationships on social media platforms: Note – don't just come out and ask for a link. This method is slow, and is really more about the relationship than the link. Eventually, once the relationship is built, the individual will most likely link to your site because they like it and you.

3 Email Examples

Develop a listing of these types of sites based on your linking purpose. For link building that requires it, contact the webmaster (preferably with firstname@email rather than info@email) with a personal email – NOT a generic email. Be straightforward, not whiny, begging or sneaky. A few examples:

Email Example #1

Dear [name],

I noticed that [link] on your site is broken. I'd like to suggest this link on my site [your link] as a substitution. Please use [key word or phrase] as the link text, and do let me know if your visitors could use any other type of information I might be able to provide.


[your name]

Email Example #2

Dear [name],

I've been reading your blog and find it [insert adjective]. I'd love to contribute with a guest post. I'm knowledgeable in [industry] as you can see from my site [site address]. Do you have a specific topic you think your readers may be interested in or specific keywords you're targeting? Please let me know what your requirements are for guest posts, and when a new post would be useful.

Thank you,

[your name]

Email Example #3

Dear [name],

I came across your site recently and find it [insert adjective]. I recently wrote an article that I feel would be useful to your readers, posted here [article address]. Please use the title to link to it, and don't hesitate to let me know if you think you could use any other information available on my site.

Thank you,

[your name]

Does finding high quality links take time? You Betcha. Yes, it does. It takes time, dedication and research. However, the return on that time investment in terms of meeting your link purpose goals can be unbelievable. Now get out there and get to building your link army!

Post image by Frank Kovalchek

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Where Is Your Link Army Hiding?

5 Dirty Words in Link Building

There are a lot of bad words people use when talking about link building and link builders. Many of them involve expletives, and only the really creative ones are worth remembering. But the worst ones seem harmless, or even good. Some of these seemingly innocuous words make me feel like washing my own mouth out with soap. Don't let their innocent little vowels and consonants fool you, because when the topic is link building, these words can be seriously misleading.


I don't have an issue with numbers in general; I just think that the word hundreds, when used in conjunction with the word links, needs to be taken very carefully. When something is big news, or goes viral or there is a major, logical event that attracts a load of links all at once, there's nothing wrong with that, that's cool, that's a party. But that's also usually the result of plenty of time spent, researching creating and executing some sort of marketing plan that culminated in the news, launch or mega-viral super hit.

But if you're talking about getting hundreds of links all at once by, say, buying them or signing up for a few hundred links on "book marking" sites or whatever other nonsense people are pushing, that's weird. That's not normal. Even if you're getting singular, one-off links, you'd have to have one heck of a link army to get hundreds of links in a matter of weeks.

Every site is different, which means the circumstances and variables which could or might raise red flags will be different for everyone. A site with millions of links can probably acquire a couple of hundred without it being a blip on the giant radar. But, in most cases, there are 2 pretty standard truths about the mass influx of links. A. The sudden increase looks suspicious if the links aren't natural. And B. Links you can get en masse tend to be of dubious value or strength. So, even a spike in back links can end in a rankings flat line.


Let me clarify, I don't hate reciprocal links. I think there's nothing wrong with reciprocal linking, when it happens because two related websites recognize one another via links. There are plenty of intentional and accidental reciprocal linking situations which make perfect sense. What makes "exchange" a bad word, is the act that it implies. When two websites, actively agree to exchange links, it's usually an unholy alliance. Especially when there is a links page" involved. I know that to most people, saying this is like announcing that Eli Whitney just mastered the Cotton Gin. But seeing as I still get a link exchange request from some automated program at least once a week, it still bears repeating. It's also worth hammering home the distinction between "reciprocal links" and a "link exchange". One is a sign of symbiotic respect the other is a sign of someone trying to cheat the system using a laughably out-dated methodology.


This entry seems completely contrary to my building cynicism. I know. But in spite of condemning certain kinds of links that I believe carry little value; I don't think that any link is completely worthless. Even the most seemingly inane, low-value links could, in some small way, serve a purpose.

I had a grandmother, who collected everything, sugar packets, plastic utensils; you name it, because she believed she might need it someday. Being a pack rat of things usually ends with a house full of stuff you will never use. Being a link pack rat means collecting some links, directories or article submissions maybe, that at first seem as valuable as empty Styrofoam cups. But someday those obscure little links might actually send you a visitor or two.

However, this is not a green light to surround yourself with garbage links like your name is Oscar and you live in a can. It's still a bad idea to waste your link budget on marginal value or whatever easy links you can get your hands on. There are smart, highly effective ways to invest your time and money in link building, and there are cheap and deceptive ones. The good ones carry the most value and the most impact. I'm just saying never hate on the runt of the litter; because sometimes the weak, dormant links you wrote off yesterday, will surprise you tomorrow.


Taking another 180 degree turn, try not to get dizzy, there's no such thing as a perfect link. This is a notion I first had a long time ago, when I was still just learning about the entire scope of link building and had yet to really see their full power. Even after a few more years and a lot more perspective, I'm still convinced that nothing is ever perfect. There are great links I mean GREAT, cash bonus, do-a-little-dance worthy links. But are they perfect? Probably not. We could usually wish for a little more.

A few more page back links, a little better anchor text, it's always easy to attach the words "I wish" to a link. Anyone who promises "perfect" links is perfectly full of crap. Good, better, strong, and useful are all totally reasonable words to describe the kinds of links that someone can get you. But perfect? I seriously doubt it. Half the time, the links you think are going to make an impact don't even show up in your top back links in Yahoo!. Meanwhile that "worthless" blog comment you made, brings you traffic once a month. Simply put, there's just no such thing as "perfect" in the link game.


For the same reason I take issue with the word "perfect" I'm wary of "guarantee". There are really only a few kinds of links that can be "guaranteed" and some of those are scary.  Getting good links, real, strong links is pretty difficult to guarantee. Yes, it can be done but the question is; at what cost? See, I've seen monthly quotas hit consistently, I've seen the "guaranteed" number of links delivered.  I've also seen short-cuts, cut corners and quality sacrificed in order to meet those demands.

But my biggest problem with the word "guarantee" regarding link building is when links are "guaranteed" to work. Making that kind of guarantee is like promising to cause an earthquake. No one can make that promise, just like no one can promise rankings or even traffic as a result of links. That darn secret algorithm along with pesky free will makes those kinds of assurances misleading. And when those promises are broken, as they most often are, it does nothing but disparage the name of SEO in general and the good hard work of many honest link builders.

Just Put a Nickel in the Swear Jar

It's not that none of these words should ever be used, but they should be handled with wisdom and care. Approach guarantees and perfection with skepticism, never underestimate the worthless and tell hundreds of would be exchangers to save their breath.

It's not that no one should ever use dirty words, when you shoot yourself with a staple gun; the use of certain words is unavoidable. But, just like F-bombs should be dropped out of the earshot of little ones, some link building terms should be spoken with equal care and only in the right context.

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

5 Dirty Words in Link Building

How and Why to Create a "Save as PDF" Button for Your Best Content

Some content you create and publish on the web is too great to be used only once. No, I don't mean republishing here. What I mean here is leveraging your best content by giving your readers the ability to save or download it in an alternative format.

I haven't experimented with this tactic for too long as well but when I came across Web2PDF tool (that got me inspired), I thought that might work great in some cases:

  • A button like this is a cool call-to-action in itself because it should clearly encourage users to keep the copy of the content (in case of a .pdf file, users may just try using it out of curiosity to see how it is going to work);
  • Offering more alternative ways to save and spread the content, you increase its chances to go viral.

Web2PDF tool allows to create a button that enables users to:

  1. Download the current page as a PDF file;
  2. Send it to Google Docs.

The customization screen is very straightforward and easy to use:

  • Choose the button look (you can even upload your own design);
  • Enter the button label;
  • Grab the code and you are almost done:

PDF button

Now all you need to do is to use your blog post Editor "Edit HTML" tab to paste the code where you want it appear:

PDF button

The button works really fast. On clicking it, you'll need to wait just a second or so before you are able to see the options:

  • Download the page as the PDF file;
  • Send the page to Google Docs;
  • Create a PDF version and store it online:

PDF button options

The PDF copy looks really cool: all web links are working, so you can easily navigate across it. You can try my test file here if you are wondering:

Web page to PDF

Of course, if you want to make you web page PDF-friendly, consider a few minor tweaks:

  • Create the page contents with linked anchors to allow users easily navigate across the PDF file;
  • Test the page as PDF before publishing to make sure no images or tables are broken between the different pages.

So what are your thoughts? Do you think the button is worth trying?

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

How and Why to Create a "Save as PDF" Button for Your Best Content

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"Gizmos" - 4 new articles

  1. Kojinsha abandona su marca y se pasa a Onkyo
  2. Samsung anuncia los notebooks de la línea Q-Series
  3. Stuart Hughes nos propone un iPhone 4 de diamantes
  4. Pioneer presenta un nuevo tablet, el DreamBook ePad L11
  5. More Recent Articles
  6. Search Gizmos

Kojinsha abandona su marca y se pasa a Onkyo


Los netbooks de Kojinsha son famosos por sus reducidos tamaños y también por ser equipos que siempre incluyen la última tecnología en el ámbito de los ultraportátiles. Menos conocida es su origen, detrás del que se encuentra el fabricante taiwanés Inventec.

Ahora ha llegado un momento de transformación para la marca Kojinsha y en estos momentos ya se denomina Inventec Development Japan Corporation, un simple cambio de nomenclatura bajo el que se esconde una reorientación comercial dentro de la subdivisión móvil de Inventec.

El objetivo final será transformar Kojinsha en Onkyo, una marca ya conocida por el público general por los dispositivos que comercializa, fundamentalmente altavoces y sistemas de Cine en Casa.

Ahora mismo los netbooks no están en auge, han tenido su momento, pero la aparición del los tablets de la mano de Apple y los distintos fabricantes que han incorporado Google Android como sistema operativo portátil no ha dejado que evolucionen. Este es uno de los motivos por los que Inventec prefiere "reinventar" su división, fundiéndola en la marca Onkyo.

Inventec believes KJS will break even in the fall of 2010 as it turns into a design hou

En Gizmos: Kohjinsha PA, nuevo MID atractivo (video) - Kohjinsha SK3: Cabe en tu agenda

Via | Electronista

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Samsung anuncia los notebooks de la línea Q-Series


A primeros de mayo Samsung presentó en el Reino Unido la serie de notebooks correspondientes a la gama Q, y ahora la firma los presenta de manera oficial en tierras coreanas. Se trata de una línea de ordenadores portátiles formada por tres modelos: Q530, Q430 y Q330. Los tres estarán pronto disponibles en todo el mundo.

Todos los modelos ofrecen procesadores Intel Core i3 o Intel Core i5. El Intel Core i5 es extremadamente rápido y acelera su sistema en base a la necesidad de realizar más tareas de forma simultánea. De forma automática analiza el lugar del sistema donde se necesita más potencia y se centra en ella para que todo funcione mejor. De ésta manera se convierten en ordenadores capaces de vídeo en alta definición, composición de música digital, edición de fotos en alta calidad, o reproducción de juegos. Por otro lado, los modelos Q530 y Q430 son capaces de una mayor capacidad gráfica y cuentan con tecnología nVidia.

El Q530 ha sido diseñado para satisfacer las demandas de los usuarios que buscan un dispositivo móvil de alta potencia. Está dirigido sobre todo a quienes viajan y necesitan tener un PC muy capaz en sus manos. Tiene una pantalla HD LED de 15.6 pulgadas, una tasa de imagen de 16:9, y funcionalidad optimizada para películas en alta definición y juegos. Además, su batería consume poca energía.

Por su parte, el Q430 tiene todas las prestaciones del modelo anterior, pero una pantalla de 14 pulgadas HD LED, y un peso de sólo 2.09 kg. Y finalmente, el Q330 pesa 1.97 kg y tiene una pantalla de 13.3 pulgadas HD LED. Es el notebook más ligero de toda la línea de Samsung y cuenta con modo gráfico híbrido entre Intel HD Graphic o Nvidia GeForce 310M. Ahorra energía y su batería puede durar hasta 7 horas.

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Vía: Akihabaranews

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Stuart Hughes nos propone un iPhone 4 de diamantes


No es la primera vez, ni será la última, en que nos encontramos con un modelo de iPhone diseñado de manera lujosa y con un precio elevadísimo. En ésta ocasión Stuart Hughes se ha encargado de dotar al iPhone 4G del aspecto más espectacular que podamos imaginar.

Ésta nueva edición del dispositivo de Apple se conoce como Diamond Edition y llega al mercado al coste de 20,000 dólares norteamericanos, unos 16,000 euros.

Éste iPhone 4G cuenta con auténticos diamantes que representan el logo de Apple en un espectacular tono platino. Incluye también algunos diamantes de color para la letra F y también un marco de lo más atractivo. Sobre las características del dispositivo, el iPhone está desbloqueado y tiene una capacidad de almacenamiento de 32GB. Además, está preparado para funcionar en cualquier parte del mundo.

Un producto, como de costumbre, para ricos, como la funda de oro de iPhone que comercializó Stuart Hughes anteriormente.

En Gizmos: Nuevo problema para el iPhone, la cámara falla - Un protector para solucionar los problemas del iPhone 4

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Pioneer presenta un nuevo tablet, el DreamBook ePad L11


Desde las lejanas tierras de Australia nos llegan noticias de un nuevo dispositivo tablet fabricado por la conocida compañía Pioneer. Se trata del DreamBook ePad L11, pantalla interactiva que llega a las tiendas al precio de 700 dólares australianos (unos 470 euros), y que ya está disponible.

El dispositivo forma parte de la gama de productos DreamBook, en la cual Pioneer ha ofrecido más de una sorpresa, y cuenta con unas características cuanto menos, interesantes.

Su procesador es un Intel Atom N450 a velocidad de 1.66GHz, contando con memoria RAM de 2GB, y un disco duro de estado sólido de máximo 64GB. Además de extras habituales, como Bluetooth 2.1, acceso Wi-Fi, y una cámara de 1.3 megapíxeles, el ePad L11 cuenta con pantalla de 11.6 pulgadas capaz de ofrecer una resolución máxima de 1366 x 768 píxeles.

Por otro lado, cuenta con GPS y sistema 3G opcional, Windows 7 Home Premium como sistema operativo, y una tarjeta gráfica que puede ser o Intel o nVidia ION GeForce GT218.

En Gizmos: Fujitsu presenta un nuevo tablet, el LifeBook TH700 - Distintos tamaños de pantalla para el tablet Samsung Galaxy

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