viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Search Engine Journal - 5 new articles


"Search Engine Journal" - 5 new articles

  1. MySpace Hiring an SEO Manager
  2. Nachofoto – Real-time Image Search Engine
  3. Mobile Marketing In The Near Future
  4. How "The Real Joe" Gets Social Media
  5. Keep Track of What You Share Online with Sharetivity
  6. More Recent Articles
  7. Search Search Engine Journal

MySpace Hiring an SEO Manager

Looking for a dream SEO position? MySpace is hiring a new SEO Manager to work under my BFF Tony Adam in their Beverly Hills office. Apparently there are a lot of big changes going on at MySpace, and this may be the chance to get involved with the reconstruction of one of the most popular destinations on the Internet.

If you're looking for a change of scenery or on the job market in SEO, I can't really think of getting much better than that.

MySpace – Beverly Hills, CA

MySpace is looking for an SEO Manager to work closely with Product, Marketing and Technology teams. The position is hands-on and requires deep knowledge in SEO with Site Architecture and Link Development, along with a proven track record of success with SEO Projects. The key responsibility of the position will be to develop Product Requirement Documents (PRDs) with SEO Requirements for strategic product initiatives and projects.

More info on the MySpace SEO Manager Position

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

MySpace Hiring an SEO Manager

Nachofoto – Real-time Image Search Engine

You may have noticed the past year that both Google and Bing are doing real-time searches that are including tweets and other information. This is extremely useful when keeping up with trending topics. I wanted to give you a quick run down on this new real-time image search engine called NachoFoto that I came across. When searching images in this, you'll find that the results are directly correlated to the trending topic and news that has recently occurred. For instance, the recent Times Square bomb scare- NachoFoto Search Results.

When searching in Google, you might see something like, Google Search Results when searching for the same Times Square bomb scare. They also have "hot topics" and "trends" which you can find only in text, on their trending topics page.

As I mentioned before, you can also see trending topics that people are searching, image wise. It's almost like going into Twitter and clicking the trending topics there to see what people are saying. On NachoFoto you can see the same, however, it's in images. Another feature that is unique to this search engine is that static words, such as "golden gate bridge" will most likely not yield a result, because nothing significant changes over time. It would become on the map when a huge event is trending in regards to that particular topic.


The "NachoBot", as it's so fondly referred to, crawls and indexes images on the web using a "load spreading" technique. By doing so, it will reduce the strain that occurs on the server when being indexed. It's very light. You can also choose to exclude the NachoBot from crawling and indexing your page in your Robots.txt file how it's written below-

  • robots.txt example: Include this in your robots.txt file:

    User-agent: Nachobot Disallow: /

  • Robots META tag example:

    Include this in the head section of your web-page:

  • Nachobot META tag example:

    Include the following in the head section of your web-page:

There isn't really too much to say at the moment, as this is just coming out and becoming well known. Keep your eye on it though because it has a great idea behind it and it fills a need that we've been lacking from Google, Bing and Yahoo!. Hopefully they will all follow suit and implement something like this. Do you think we'll need to start marketing differently if we want our images to show up there? How does their algorithm work, and how can we push to rank in the forefront of the search results? I guess this will all come to surface as time goes by and it becomes more mainstream.

Check this out and let me know what you think. Is this something that you're excited about?

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Nachofoto – Real-time Image Search Engine

Mobile Marketing In The Near Future

Not to my surprise I find that mobile marketing has both a digital definition as well as a traditional definition.  In the digital definition it is as one would expect about marketing your business message through mobile devices.  In the traditional definition there are moving billboards that are associated with mobile marketing.  For our reference we are going to be talking about mobile devices and I think it is safe to say that when one thinks of mobile marketing now-a-days mobile devices are what come to mind.

The mobile industry certainly has grown quickly in the past three years.  The iPhone coming to market was only the beginning.  It did not take long for mobile applications to make the mobile device more useful to the consumers and with the flood of mobile applications consumers were able to find many different uses for their mobile device.  Games and Entertainment were only the beginning.  More useful applications like tools, utilities and resources also found their way to the mobile device.

As of December 2009 there were 285,610,580 mobile devices in the United States against a population of 308,505,000.  Basically      91% of the population has a mobile device.  Feel free to look at the Wikipedia article for more statistics worldwide.

With 91% of the U.S. population having a mobile device, and these devices having considerable capabilities, it is undoubtedly the next most significant source of information for the consumers and businesses alike.  Using it as a phone is only the beginning.  Email, Games, Entertainment, Texting, Instant Messaging, Browsing, Photos, Camera, Calculator, Calendar, Maps, Voice Recognition, News, Banking, Weather, Finance, Social Communities, and Radio are only the small fraction of what mobile devices are used at this time.  Their capabilities will continue to grow and this mini-computer will have more use in our daily lives.

As an Internet and digital marketing agency we want to focus the rest of this article on how a business can use mobile marketing.  We will focus on four specific areas and describe a starting point and planned progression over the next few years.  Each of these areas has many details and this information is designed to be a summary.  We will follow this article up with other articles that specifically discuss each section separately

sms_texting_icon.pngMessaging Services

This is most often known as "texting" and includes SMS Texting (Short Message Service) as well as MMS (Multimedia Message Service).  In order for a business to tap into this marketing tool you have to first begin to get permission from prospects and customers in order to send them SMS or MMS messages.  Begin by seeking out a service that provides SMS and/or MMS services.

You will be assigned a text number that customer can send a subscription notice.  You can add this feature into your website, email marketing or display in your business to promote how prospects and clients can get alerts from you by SMS or MMS.  Because it will take time to build up subscribers you will want to start this sooner rather than later.

mobile_icon.pngMobile Websites

We have had discussions with client in which they felt that as long as their website was showing on a mobile browser then they had a mobile website.  This is far from the truth.  A website that was developed specifically for a standard computer or laptop monitor does not mean you have a mobile version of your website.  On a mobile version of a business website a user will not need to zoom in or out or pan left or right when viewing your website.

The website will be "lite" version of your primary website with specific call to actions that are useful to the users visiting your mobile website.  A good example I have of his would be Delta Airlines.  Go to their website on a standard computer.  Then go to their website using a mobile device's browser.  You will see two very different websites.  As a business you will want to budget and get a mobile version of your website as one of your very next steps.

Mobile Applications

At some point every business will have a mobile application and it is even possible that mobile applications will diminish the need for domain names; however, lets' leave that conversation for another time.  Mobile applications can be used to be useful as a tool for your customers or you may decide to have a application for branding purposes that is a simple game.

There are certainly many possibilities for mobile applications and you will need to consult with a marketing firm to decide how to best utilize mobile applications.  Mobile application development budgets can range from low to high all dependent upon the creative, interface functionality, database use and Internet streaming.

mobile_marketing.pngMobile Advertising

Text advertising like Google adwords and banner advertising is available direct to mobile devices.  The difference is how they are delivered.  For example banner ads will appear in free mobile applications and appear when the application is used at the bottom.  You can push your mobile banner ads through mobile advertising networks like AdMob (acquired by Google) and Quattro (acquired by Apple).  Development of your mobile ads requires a different approach since there is limited physical dimensions of your message.

By utilizing all four mobile marketing components for your marketing plan over the next couple of years you will be able to tap into a new marketing tool that happens to be well suited for local business marketing.  Waiting for two years to pass and then deciding to plan and adopt this technology is probably the wrong answer.  You need to incorporate this process now and build it into your business marketing process now otherwise you will be left behind.

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Mobile Marketing In The Near Future

How "The Real Joe" Gets Social Media

Talk about the perfect trifecta – the seamless blend of social media, local and offline marketing – the "Real Joe" of Joe's Real BBQ (a local business owner here in Arizona) understands social media better than any one in my area (IMO) and I wanted to share some of my thoughts about a recent promotion by his business. I bring this up because I am always hearing about local businesses not using social media, or not getting it, or worse they are just plain afraid to even get involved because they think its a "waste of time". Well, here is an example of a local business owner (Joe) that GETS social media, and uses it to bring customers to his front door.

To illustrate, I am going to have you take a look at the screen shots I took from Joe's customer appreciation day… In this first one, you find Joe tweeting about the even through his Foursquare check-in! So, not only do the people following him on Twitter know about the even, but everyone following the business on FourSquare now knows as well.

Let's Not Kid Ourselves

You start a business to make money, not to connect with a bunch of "cool" people hoping to get "conversations" going. So, you are involved in social media because its a "tool" and not just so you can have a lot of "fans". GET REAL – You want to make money, so you get involved and do stuff like this to bring people to your doors. Joe's use of Twitter here is a perfect example of what you should be doing with social media websites like TwitterFourSquare and Facebook.

Joe's Real BBQ, Gilbert Arizona
Joe's Real BBQ

As a business owner, you need to figure out the "thing" that is going to get your customers talking and dropping coin! (yea, I just came up with that haha). The "thing" is what allows you to leverage social media to spread the word (via channels like Twitter, Facebook & FourSquare) and hopefully be picked up by other media sources like local news (offline).  These local offline news also have online reach and provide valuable citations that help boost local rankings too. This is a big deal! When you accomplish this, now you know you got it, and you understand what it takes to connect with your loyal customers and what it takes to find and gain new ones.

Joe's Real BBQ

I tip my hat to Joe for understanding how social media impacts business. Because sooooo many business owners are just lost with it or don't even know where to begin. If you are a local biz (small or large) and have been wondering what "the Facebook", Twitter & FourSquare are all about, I would highly suggest following @realjoe on Twitter, and "liking" his business on Facebook (Joe's Real BBQ).

It is always best to learn from someone who is already doing it right.  In case you were wondering; No, I do not know Joe and have never met him in real life.  I just happen to think he's got a handle on this local/social media thing.

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

How "The Real Joe" Gets Social Media

Keep Track of What You Share Online with Sharetivity

We share dozens of links online: via social bookmarking tools, Twitter and many more social sharing sites. And naturally we have many tools that make that sharing easier and more fun.

Sharetivity can be a nice alternative to what you've been using until now: it's a browser-based tool that supports multiple social media sites and allows to share any link across any combination of them.

Let's have a quick test drive.

First of all, you will need to register at the site and confirm your account by clicking the link in the email message.

Now install the tool. The utility works via the browser bookarklet (which means easy and fast installation process). Supported browsers:

  • FireFox;
  • Safari;
  • Google Chrome;
  • Internet Explorer.

Immediately after the installation you can try it out. When on any page you feel like sharing, click the bookmarklet. You will see a small pop-up window containing three tabs:

  • "Email to a friend" form;
  • "My Sharetivity" listing your most recent shares;
  • "Post | Bookmark" – this one allows to post to a number of supported social media services:
    • Twitter;
    • Myspace;
    • Google Buzz;
    • Facebook;
    • Delicious;
    • Google Bookmarks;
    • Linkedin.

Select any of them you'd like to use and click "Post | Bookmark". New tabs will open for each of the selected services where you will need to confirm the submission.

Sharetivity window

Note: The tool didn't seem to grab (or shorten) the page URL for Twitter but I was not planning to use it for Twitter anyway as I am pretty satisfied with my bookmarklet. For all the rest services the tool worked well.

Now, the best part of the tool is that you can access your social bookmarking aggregated history any time:

  • See what and when you shared online;
  • Search through all your social shares by a keyword:

Sharetivity history search

I am just starting to use it but I am curious to see how this social bookmarking archive and aggregator may turn useful.

The tool was found via MUO.

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Keep Track of What You Share Online with Sharetivity

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