sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010


"Search Engine Journal" - 5 new articles

  1. Yahoo Adds TV Shortcut on Search Results Page
  2. New Google Wave Extensions Debut!
  3. Join 5,500+ Search Marketers on SEJ's Facebook Fanpage
  4. 3 Tricks on SEO & User Engagement
  5. SEO Professional FireFox Toolbar: Tracks Yahoo! Backlinks
  6. More Recent Articles
  7. Search Search Engine Journal

Yahoo Adds TV Shortcut on Search Results Page

Its TV Portal is one of Yahoo's strongest verticals. I personally check it out to get my fix of entertainment news from time to time. So, it is but logical for Yahoo to try to maximize the potential of Yahoo TV to generate site traffic and engagement to its site. Enter the Yahoo TV Shortcuts right smack into your entertainment-related search results pages.

So when you search for an entertainment-related topic on Yahoo Search, the search results page will now display latest video clips, bonus videos or entire episodes, episodes lists, sho ratings, show times, photos – all coming from Yahoo TV.

On the left side of the search results page you'd also find suggested links to information about celebrities, movies or TV shows related to the search terms you just entered.

In addition, if you're searching for a celebrity and that celebrity happens to have a Twitter account, Yahoo search  will also display his or her tweets – call it a direct result of the Yahoo-Twitter content sharing deal.

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Yahoo Adds TV Shortcut on Search Results Page

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New Google Wave Extensions Debut!

Okay, so my title is fairly misleading. Google Wave HAD extensions… just maybe one or two. When Wave came out I was so excited that I totally exhausted the "poll" option. I sent out ridiculous polls to all my friends such as, "Can you make me blueberry muffins? Yes, No or Maybe?"…. to which I would always get a maybe. I guess nobody wanted to make my day. Anyway, I'm getting completely off track here.

Google Wave now has over 15 extensions present for our pleasure and enjoyment. Things such as "Wave Sudoko" (which I won't play because Sudoko scares me) as  well as Phone Conference, to start up phone calls with friends or coworkers, and the "Likey Gadget". If you're familiar with Facebook then I' m sure you've seen how you can "Like" stuff that people post up on their pages. The only issue with that is there isn't a "Dislike" option. Trust me, Facebook users run rampant about this almost everyday- I guess Wave implementing the option to both agree and disagree is going to float many a person's boat.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but waffles don't have anything to do with setting dates for events. That's why this one extension in particular strikes me as slightly odd. The new "Waffle" date-picker gadget adds a waffle to your wave and sends out an event notice for people to vote on. WHAT?! Maybe I'm missing the big picture here but I still don't get what a waffle signifies other than a yummy breakfast food that you can douse with chocolate syrup.

Since I've been deemed the resident Google Wave expert, I suggest you go and play with these fun extensions. I only have a few Google Wave buddies to test these things out, and seeing as I ran the polling extension into the ground, I might play Sudoko. If anybody is willing to take the scariness away from Sudoko and explain it to me, perhaps I will start a Wave and play a round with you. I guess it's not that it actually SCARES me, I just haven't really looked into how to play it and there's a lot of numbers in your face! Complete chaos.

You can find updated ones located in your extension wave.


Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

New Google Wave Extensions Debut!

Join 5,500+ Search Marketers on SEJ's Facebook Fanpage

Search Engine Journal's Official Facebook Fanpage hit the 5,000 mark last week, and is now pushing 5,600 fans who are sharing search marketing news, blog posts and comments on SEJ's Facebook Fanpage.

Not only does the SEJ community share SEJ posts on Facebook, but we also have 5 admins sharing search engine news, SEO tips and other relevant news on Facebook daily.

While you are also joining the Search Engine Journal Facebook Fanpage, also take a look at our Daily SEO Tip Fanpage on Facebook. Daily SEO Tip is an SEJ spinoff blog that offers one basic SEO tip daily, as contributed by the SEJ staff and friends.

Ann & I just launched the fanpage last night and with 230 fans, it's growing quite strong.

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Join 5,500+ Search Marketers on SEJ's Facebook Fanpage

3 Tricks on SEO & User Engagement

I rate search engine optimization on content accessibility, popularity, and usability. We can say that content is well optimized for search engines when it is accessed as soon as it published, generates links from trusted sources, and drives user engagement.

The safest road to sky rocket the performance of any SEO campaign is to create or generate quality content that generates user engagement. Why? The more engaged the users, the bigger the chance they will speak about you, link to you, follow you on social networks, and recommend you to others.

Search engines & user engagement

User engagement is not one of those metrics you can calculate with a standard formula. It is rather a mix of quality and quantity metrics, unique for each website. However, users that comment on your blog, subscribe to your newsletter or RSS feed, fill up a contact form, or buy something are users that engage.

How engaged are the users coming from search engines? The first trick is to start monitoring the performance of keywords when it comes to driving user engagement. Here is how you do that using Google Analytics:

  1. Start by setting goals for each action that you describe as engagement;
  2. Define a non-brand keywords visits segment: that is, visitors that land on your website when searching with keywords unrelated to your brand;
  3. Go to the keywords section and check out the winners and the losers.

If the above steps look to technical for you, check out the detailed tutorial on how to do it.

From these steps you will get a general idea on the performance of your SEO efforts from the user engagement point of view. You might notice that some keywords trigger a better conversion rate than others. Why is that? Looking into the next trick might offer some answers.

Landing pages & user engagement

What if the users that come from certain keywords are likely to engage but the landing pages they land on are not that helpful? In this case it's good to look for non-engagement clues.

So, the second trick is to discover the leaks from your landing pages.

  1. Apply the non-brand keywords visits segment you have created earlier;
  2. Go to the Content > Top Landing Pages report;
  3. Look for big bounce rates. Hate them. It's about time to take measures against them. :)

You could redesign the website or the landing pages but that is not the most efficient way to go about it. Check out the next trick.

Behavioral targeting & user engagement

Click on the top pages and look for the entrance keywords report (while still having applied the non-brand keywords visits segment). Now check out the bounces for each keyword. A high diversity between bounce rates proves nothing else but the fact that different users come with different intentions.

Here is where behavioral targeting comes into action.

The third trick is to offer customized content like headings, call to actions, or just some scent links based on the keywords your users searched for entering your website. You can ask your developers to implement such a feature for your website or you can just do it by using a simple _javascript.

The following script does just that by adding it to your website after the Google Analytics tracking code:


function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "=";

var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {

var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);

if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);

} return null;} function googleCookieReferrer()

{ var feed=readCookie("__utmz"); feed=feed.split("|"); feed=feed[3].split('=');

return feed[1];} if (googleCookieReferrer() == "desired keyword")

{ //any content you would like to write, be it heading, links or simple text document.getElementById('DESIRED-ELEMENT').innerHTML = "Text for visitors who come from desired keyword";

}else if (googleCookieReferrer() == "other desired keyword"){

//any content you would like to write, be it heading, links or simple text document.getElementById('DESIRED-ELEMENT').innerHTML = "Text for visitors who come from other desired keyword";

}else document.getElementById('DESIRED-ELEMENT').innerHTML = "Text for other visitors";

The script is going to offer your visitors the same customized content until they delete their cookies or get to your website through a different referrer.

The main benefit will be that you'll be able to tackle the bounce rate metric you hate and increase the conversion rates for the goals you are monitoring. It can also be great to test different variations of keywords for seeing which drive more conversions, therefore getting free tips for future SEO developments or search engine advertising.

A little hack or 2 and you'll be able to use the same script for landing pages on AdWords campaigns.

The bottom line is that not all your visitors are the same or want the same thing. Treat them accordingly.

Claudiu Murariu is a web analytics geek, co-founder of PadiCode – Behavioral Targeting Solutions. He believes in building tools that help visitors accomplish their goals. You can contact him through his site or follow him on twitter @cllaudiu.

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

3 Tricks on SEO & User Engagement

SEO Professional FireFox Toolbar: Tracks Yahoo! Backlinks

A few weeks ago I shared four addons to show you some website stats at a glance. Earlier I had also compared the three most popular advanced SEO toolbars.

Today's addon is one more multi-purpose SEO toolbar to add to your arsenal.

SEO Professional Toolbar offers a few useful SEO-related tools in one place (SEO stats as the page loads, stats tracking, on-page diagnostics help, etc).

FireFox Navbar Options

For the current page the tool displays the following stats in the navbar:

  • PageRank,
  • S-Rank (I guess it is something internal, you can just ignore it or disable it)
  • Number of backlinks (per Yahoo SiteExplorer)

SEO professional toolbar

The navbar icon gives access to an array of more features you might appreciate:

  • Highlight keywords and view their density
  • Highlight internal, external, and nofollow links using the multi-functional sidebar
  • View the number of indexed pages on Google
  • Look up links to the current page in Yahoo! SiteExplorer
  • Quickly access Google Analytics, Google Insights and Google Adwords Keyword tool:

SEO professional toolbar options

View page info

  • number of words (I wish they filtered out some 'stop' words like articles and prepositions),
  • the most frequently used words on a given page (I wish they also listed most frequent phrases – they are what really matters for the on-page analysis)
  • the number of internal and external links
  • the number of nofollow links

SEO prof toolbar

Monitor any site stats

To start recording the history of ranks and backlinks, click on record in the main menu which you may activate by right-clicking on the logo of the addon. The picture bellow shows how to perform this action.

SEO professional toolbar recording

After that you can access the site stats via the addon sidebar which can be activated with help of [CTRL + SHIFT + E] shortcut. I haven't used the tool long enough to see the trend but here's how it is going to look like:

SEO professional toolbar tracking

(I actually really like their Yahoo! backlinks tracking feature, let's hope it won't be disabled by Yahoo! any time soon).

The tool options also allow to customize which stats you want to see and track (you may want to remove their S-Rank by the way):

The options can be accessed by right-clicking on the tool icon in the status bar:

SEO professional toolbar options

My verdict?

I think it's a solid free SEO tool. I've installed it and don't see myself removing it so far. Let's see what you think.

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

SEO Professional FireFox Toolbar: Tracks Yahoo! Backlinks

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