viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010


"Search Engine Journal" - 5 new articles

  1. Yahoo Rolls Out Auto-Updating Address Book
  2. Topsy Button versus Tweetmeme Button
  3. Should Clients Invest in an SEO Prenup?
  4. The Droid Outsold the iPhone
  5. Youtube Contest – Win a Free Pass to Search & Social Spring Summit
  6. More Recent Articles
  7. Search Search Engine Journal

Yahoo Rolls Out Auto-Updating Address Book

Yahoo has just rolled out a pretty useful feature of  its Yahoo! Contacts service. This feature, if you're willing to share information with your friends and business contacts will ensure that your friends always gets your latest contact details and information without making them do anything. But that is if you allow them to.

The cool thing is that if you share your personal information with them, the next time you change your Yahoo contacts details, you no longer have to inform them one by one. Yahoo Contacts will automatically update the information your shared with them previously.

The same thing happens with your friends' details on your Address Book but only if they opted to share their Yahoo Contact Details' auto-updating features with their contacts including you.

Setting this up is pretty simple. Just go to  Yahoo Contacts and click on "Share my Info" link which you can find under the Popular Tools option. This will display your current Yahoo Contact Info.  Then click on the Start Sharing button. Yahoo Contacts will then a notification to your friends and business contacts that you have changed your contact info. And they don't have to do anything as it will be automatically updated in their Address Book.

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Yahoo Rolls Out Auto-Updating Address Book

Topsy Button versus Tweetmeme Button

Encouraging Tweets of the current page has become one of the most powerful ways to attract extra traffic and help viral effect.

Tweetmeme button is probably the most popular way to do that, however more and more often I come across blogs that use a similar one provided by Topsy.

So what's the difference between the two Twitter buttons?

Tweetmeme button Topsy button
Tweet count yes yes
Where the Tweet is generated pop-up new tab
Twitter authentication required yes no
Shortcode yes yes
Wordpress plugin yes yes
Tweeted status Retweet / Tweeted no
Page RT rank no yes
Look Tweetmeme Topsy

Tweetmeme Wordpress plugin:

Tweetmeme plugin does have quite a few customization options that make it possible to position the button and set its look and feel:

  • Set which page types to display the button;
  • Position it: after or before content (or both) or with the shortcode (wherever you place it);
  • Customize styling (floating, margin, etc);
  • Choose the type of the button (normal size, or compact widget);
  • Set the source (the Twitter name that goes after RT@ in the actual Tweet);
  • Select the URL shortener;

Tweetmeme button

Topsy Wordpress plugin

Topsy plugin seems to be easier to customize and besides there are more options:

  • Topsy button can be inserted anywhere in the post using the shortcodes [topsy_retweet_small] or [topsy_retweet_big]
  • The position and styling of the button can be set with help of a handy table (which allows to customize the button for each type of a page separately);
  • Set the source and the button name;
  • Choose the color scheme;

Topsy plugin

So which one do you prefer?

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Topsy Button versus Tweetmeme Button

Should Clients Invest in an SEO Prenup?

There have been a number of instances over the last year or two where I or people I know have taken on projects from another SEO consultant or agency.  In these cases, I've seen the transition of accounts from one party to another create their own spectrum; where the incumbent ranges from hugely helpful to less much than so.

With this in mind, I wrote a couple of posts outlining the idea of an SEO honeymoon and what it might mean to inherit a site of that's been on a SEO honeymoon.  I wanted to take these posts a little further and highlight a debate that I've been having in my head around whether an outgoing SEO agency should fully support the incoming agency or not, and if so, to what extent?

The challenges to being helpful

Without a doubt, without business interests helping an incoming agency to take over an account that you previously managed would be a whole lot easier.  But with business interests in mind, why does this support not happen?

  1. Heritage of competiveness between agencies / consultants
  2. Reluctance to share SEO 'secrets'
  3. Sabotage the success of the incoming agency
  4. Cost to the incumbent of providing this service
  5. The incumbent on a sales drive to recover revenue
  6. Client's misunderstanding of the SEO process

…to name but a few reasons.  That said, I don't want to overly stress that the incumbent agency as the sole driver of this transition, so how else can it be managed?

Who has responsibility for the transition?

It needn't be just the responsibility of the incumbent to manage this process.  What about a scenario whereby on taking on a contract with a consultant or agency, there was an exit strategy agreed upon, where each party would be obliged to fulfil certain responsibilities?

What if the SEO consultant highlighted, from the outset how responsible, transparent and confident they were in their work that they laid this out as an option to the client from the outset?  Immediately we can see that the client, incumbent and incoming parties all can take responsibility for this process, but does this necessarily take care of business interests highlighted above?  Not really.

Business Case to be a Good SEO citizen

Much of what is to follow is angled as if the incumbent party was the driving force but in reality each of these items can be rephrased to highlight the business benefits of considering funding and contracting and transition process.  So here are few thoughts on why exactly promoting closer working between the incumbent and incoming agency/consultant to be hugely helpful…

It's a small world. You lose a client for whatever reason but through your bitter attitude you gain a poor reputation across their offices.  This might mean that someone that previously had respect for you and your work, and that could have appointed or recommend you in the future, might lose that within a few bitter days or weeks of behaviour.

Grass is greener syndrome. Clients may well have had a bad bout of the grass is greener syndrome and felt eager to jump SEO ship, when in reality, the former incumbent agency was indeed the most fitting option.  As such, they may well return back to the former agency, but only if they had been professional and supportive in their approach as the outgoing agency.

Future case studies. All-in-all, you don't want the clients results to dip do you.  I'm sure you've worked long and hard to achieve a great deal of visibility so do you really want these drop off and prevent you case studying these sustained results in the future?

Clients being more than a pay cheque. You may well wish to show respect for the people/clients that you've been working with by ensuring a smooth transition as it may well be their heads on the line if results slip as a result of poor management of this process.  A key point to remember is that many smarter business folk than me stress that business is as much about relationships as it is about the top-line.

If anything arose from any of these items they could quite easily create a poor image of you and the company's respect for clients.  As a worst case scenario, if this bad reputation was to travel, it might do untold damage to your reputation amongst your peers and prospective/current clients too.

I'm sure there are a number of other reasons to add to this list too, but these seem to be pretty big chunks of food for thought alone…what do you think?

So is an SEO prenup the answer?

There are certainly pro's and con's of each, and I like the idea – but is it really to idealist?

I suppose there are quite big differences of being bitter and professional, but needless to say the way an outgoing / incoming party behave during this process can really show their true colours.

Factoring in an exit strategy is certainly like a marriage's prenuptial agreement; but if divorces feature as part of 50% of marriages in the UK, then each and every client changing their SEO provider is an almost certainty.  As such, should we not make sure that this transfer of client SEO work is managed efficiently and effectively, and as part of the contract?  Do you do this?  I'd be really interested to hear if you have considered this and in what way, so please share!

P.S. Oh, and please don't share with my girlfriend that I've been using so many wedding analogies lately – I don't want her to get the wrong idea!!

Ben writes about managing SEO and the joys of SEO consulting on his blog, Just Me and My, an organiser of UK search, analytics and social conference, SAScon, and all whilst working as an SEO Director at Mediaedge:cia, WPP.  Ben is quite the busy bee!

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Should Clients Invest in an SEO Prenup?

The Droid Outsold the iPhone

The Droid from Verizon has actually outsold the original iPhone in their respective first 74 days of launching.

The iPhone sold its first million units at the 74 day point and according to Flurry in that same time span, the Droid (aka Motorola Sholes), sold just over a million by 50,000 units.

This is a comparison of just one Android phone to the one iPhone model a year, nevermind combining the over 100 Android phones coming to market this year alone.

The point of this is to start thinking of Android as part of your mobile marketing efforts which means if you are creating applications for the iPhone you can convert that code to Android as well using services such as Appcelerator.

To further this point I presented at SMX West earlier this month on Android to highlight why you should shift your marketing focus to the accelerating wave of Android mobile dominance.

Do you feel Android belongs in your marketing efforts?

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

The Droid Outsold the iPhone

Youtube Contest – Win a Free Pass to Search & Social Spring Summit

Hey everyone!! It's that time of the year again for the Spring Summit and we have some great contests going on! With the success of our Twitter #team contest (which is currently going on until midnight), we decided to roll out ANOTHER contest today. If you're interested in winning a free ticket, then try your luck on this one! It'll be fun.

Contest details and the video to post a response to can be found here: Contest Video.

On this, you'll have the chance to reply to the video that I'm putting up. I ask a very simple question- what funny/weird/strange/awesome experiences have you had thanks to social media? I'll start the video off with one of my own (the bear video) as an example, but you need to send a video response to our video entitled "Search & Social Spring Summit Contest #3″ and get your friends to rate you or comment on you. Whoever has the most votes wins a free Search & Social Spring Summit ticket!

  • Go to our youtube channel located here: Contest Channel
  • Watch my video for information on the contest
  • Send in your own "video response" with your funny/weird/awkward/awesome social media story.
  • The winner will be decided by how many votes/ratings yours gets and runs until April 1st.

If you click to see more comments and responses, you will be able to see this area that allows you to add your own video response-

Now, I don't want to get any comments about how ditzy I sound on this video- I swear I don't sound like that in real life. Something about webcams just doesn't flow well with me. I recorded many a video and, sadly, this was the best one. I happened to ramble alot on it but I hope you hang on through the whole video so you can post your video response! In addition to what I said in the video, it hit me after I recorded it that something else happened to me on social media that would have been far more fun to mention.

My bosses are trying to pimp me out to fight a bear during the summit. Ahhh yes, you can probably find the multiple posts due to the magic of Twitter hash-tags (#SSSS) showcasing their eagerness to see me duke it out with a live (and heavily clawed) animal. It started out as a ping, which turned into a tweet, which turned into multiple re-tweets…. now, this might be a fly by night rumor, or it might be true… but either way, I guess you'll have to upload your video response and try to win a free ticket to find out :)

As you can tell from my video there are absolutely no standards for how you record it. Use whatever webcam you have- or even your iPhone if you want.

Be honest, don't hold back. Did you meet your boyfriend through social media? Say it. Did you get stalked through social media? Do tell. But only if it's not serious. I don't like hearing about harm happening to people via the internet…only hilarious stuff! Did you win something or get randomly picked for a prize thanks to your social media account? Are you that girl that Conan O'Brien singled out to follow on Twitter and now you're famous!? Remember- the way to get the most votes/ratings is to just have something completely unexpected. I want to hear EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! Make them fun. The contest ends April 1, 2010.

This ticket will include access into the eight speaker sessions, networking with experts and businesses from across the country, admission to casino night and calypso night, and breakfast, lunch and dinner on both days of the conference.

Good luck to you all, and I'll see you at the Summit :) I'll be congratulating our winner personally. Perhaps I'll use the location finder on Twitter to find you so you have another story to tell ;)

PS: Check back to the SEOtini Youtube Channel as well as our SEOtini blog. They'll be some fun updates coming up!

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Youtube Contest – Win a Free Pass to Search & Social Spring Summit

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